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Using Twind with Deno

Twind is a tailwind-in-js solution for using Tailwind. Twind is particularly useful in Deno's server context, where Tailwind and CSS can be easily server side rendered, generating dynamic, performant and efficient CSS while having the usability of styling with Tailwind.

Basic example Jump to heading

In the following example, we will use twind to server side render an HTML page and log it to the console. It demonstrates using grouped tailwind classes and have it rendered using only the styles specified in the document and no client side JavaScript to accomplish the tailwind-in-js:

import { extract, install } from "https://esm.sh/@twind/core@1.1.3";
import presetTailwind from "https://esm.sh/@twind/preset-tailwind@1.1.4";

  presets: [
      theme: {
        fontFamily: {
          sans: ["Helvetica", "sans-serif"],
          serif: ["Times", "serif"],

function renderBody() {
  return `<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <title>Hello from Deno</title>
      <body class="font-sans">
        <h1 class="text(3xl blue-500)">Hello from Deno</h1>
          <input name="user">
          <button class="text(2xl red-500)">

function ssr() {
  const body = renderBody();
  const { html, css } = extract(body);
  return html.replace("</head>", `<style data-twind>${css}</style></head>`);

